Jun 22

Suppression Systems Staff

Lithium-Ion Batteries

by Suppression Systems Staff

If you encounter a lithium-ion battery fire, it's crucial to handle the situation with caution. Here are the recommended steps to extinguish a small lithium-ion battery fire:

  • Safety first:
    • Ensure your own safety by wearing protective gloves and eyewear.
    • If the fire is significant or spreading rapidly, evacuate the area and contact emergency services.
  • Cut off the power source:
    • If it's safe to do so, disconnect the power source supplying electricity to the device or equipment involved in the fire. This step will help prevent additional energy from fueling the fire.
  • Class "D" fire extinguisher:
    • Obtain a Class D fire extinguisher designed for lithium-metal fires or a dry powder extinguisher suitable for extinguishing lithium-ion battery fires.
    • Ensure you are familiar with the instructions on how to operate the specific extinguisher.
  • Aim at the base:
    • Stand at a safe distance from the fire and aim the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.
    • Avoid directly spraying the flames, as it may scatter burning lithium or electrolyte, causing the fire to spread.
  • Disperse extinguishing agent:
    • Apply the fire extinguisher or dry powder in a sweeping motion to disperse the extinguishing agent across the fire.
    • Continue discharging the extinguisher until the flames are completely extinguished.
    • Observe the area for any signs of re-ignition.
  • Cool the area:
    • After the fire is extinguished, use water or a non-alcoholic liquid to cool the affected area and prevent the fire from reigniting.
    • Do not use water directly on the lithium-ion battery. 
  • Dispose of the battery safely:
    • Once the fire is under control and the area is safe, handle the damaged lithium-ion battery with care.
    • Place it in a fireproof container or cover it with sand or a similar non-flammable material and contact your local hazardous waste disposal center for proper disposal.

Remember, it is essential to prioritize personal safety and evacuate the area if the fire becomes unmanageable or if you feel at risk. Contact emergency services as soon as possible for professional assistance.

Suppression Systems
Suppression Systems Staff
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