Ansul Rate Compensated Thermal Detectors

Rate Compensated Thermal Detectors are designed to compensate for thermal lag. When a rate-compensation heat detector operates, the actual operating temperature will be approximately equal to the rated operating temperature, regardless of the rate at which the air is being heated. The rate-compensation detector consists of a pair of expansion struts and electrical contacts enclosed by an expansion shell. 

request information »

  • Approvals and listings
    • Ordinary
      • UL.....S492
      • UL for 600 °F and 725 °F.....S2410
      • ULC.....CS-341-E
      • Factory Mutual (FM).....17302
      • MEA.....12-95-E
      • California StateFire Marshal (CSFM).....7270-0074:104
      • USCG.....161.002/A42/1
    • Hazardous
      • UL.....E19310
      • UL for 600 °F and 725 °F.....E89599
      • ULC.....CS-341-E
      • Factory Mutual (FM).....J.I.OV3HO.AE
      • MEA.....12-95-E
      • California StateFire Marshal (CSFM).....7270-0074:104

            * Listings and Approvals are under FENWAL

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