Fenwal 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid

3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is a flurorinaized ketone (FK-5-1-12) Dodecafluoro-2-methylpen-tan-3-one) compound of carbon, fluorine and oxygen (CF3CF2C(O)CF(CF3)2). It is colorless, electrically non-conductive and has a low odor. It suppresses fire primarily by physical mechanisms with minimal effect on the available oxygen. This allows people to see and breathe, permitting them to leave the fire area safely. Novec 1230 fluid is acceptable for use in occupied spaces when used in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program rules. Although Novec 1230 fluid is considered non-toxic to humans in concentrations necessary to extinguish most fires, certain safety considerations should be observed when applying and handling the agent. The discharge of Novec 1230 fluid may create a hazard to people from the decomposition products which result when the agent is exposed to fire or other hot surfaces. Exposure to the agent is generally of less concern than is exposure to the decomposition products. Unnecessary exposure to the agent or the decomposition products should be avoided.

request information »
  • Novec Agent Product Data

  • People Safe at Concentration Levels Required to Extinguish Fire

  • Zero Ozone Depletion Potential

  • Atmospheric Lifetime of Five Days

  • Colorless, with Low Odor and No Particulate or Oily Residue Allowing for Minimal Business Disruption After a Discharge

  • Electrically Non-Conductive

  • Space Saving; Quantity of Agent Needed to Extinguish Fires Typically Required Minimal Cylinders, thus Minimal Space Required

  • Approvals

    • EPA SNAP Program (Significant New Alternate Policy)

    • Underwriters Laboratories, Inc (UL)

    • FM Approvals (FM)

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